POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 2 FEBRUARY 2016 Kept in Suspense - as we wait for trial in one of the first cases to rule on the 2015 Regulations It is now February 2016 and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) have been in force for almost a year. It takes case law a while to catch up with statute but we are now seeing the first cases coming through where the Court has had to consider the new regulations. Read more Share this article challenges
20 JANUARY 2016 The European Single Procurement Document in force from 26 January 2016 - what do you need to do? It is effectively a form a self-certification of good standing that the bidder does not fall within any of the exclusionary grounds and has the necessary economic/financial standing and technical and professional ability. Share this article
POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 22 DECEMBER 2015 I'm Dreaming Of A .... legal direct award? This week, we've been looking through a log of all queries received by our Procurement Portal helpline over 2015, looking for any discernible 'themes'. Share this article
21 DECEMBER 2015 New Scottish case: ineffectiveness declaration made We have recently had judgment in a Scottish case where an ineffectiveness declaration has been made which, to our knowledge, is the first of its kind: Lightways (Contractors) Ltd v Inverclyde Council [2015] CSOH 169. Share this article
POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 4 DECEMBER 2015 New OJEU Forms Published Yesterday, the European Commission's new forms for use under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 went live on the SIMAP website. The Crown Commercial Service has also published a policy note on the topic. Share this article
POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 27 NOVEMBER 2015 New Thresholds from 1 January 2016 Here are the new thresholds for the application of the various public procurement regimes come into force on 1 January 2016. Share this article
POSTED BY KEVIN CALDER | 16 NOVEMBER 2015 Procurement Monopoly in Park Lane Sitting in a room full of the UK's leading public procurement lawyers on Friday at the annual November procurement conference it almost felt like White Paper have a monopoly on procurement seminars. Share this article
4 NOVEMBER 2015 Publishing the 'procurement documents' electronically - A new steer from the Crown Commercial Service The CCS guidance is helpful to contracting authorities and reflects what a number of commentators in the field have been suggesting on this point. Share this article
27 SEPTEMBER 2015 The cost of fraud in the NHS 'The financial cost of healthcare fraud 2015' analyses worldwide healthcare expenditure and concludes that 6.19% of total health expenditure is lost to fraud and error. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 A break from the past: the birth of the Health and Care Update Our blog offers concise analysis and comment on legal policy and commercial issues for the NHS and independent sector. If you work in the health and care sector we hope you will join us. Share this article
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