We are waiting for detailed guidance on frameworks, but the position under the Act, appears similar to that under the PCR 2015.
Section 45 provides that direct awards may still be made provided that the core terms of the call off contract are set out, and there is some objective way to select the supplier to be awarded the contract.
Section 46 of the Act covers mini-competitions (called “competitive selection processes” under the Act) and permits their use to assess tenders – and states that this must be by reference to one or more of the award criteria against which tenders were assessed in awarding the framework. There is confirmation that it is possible for the award criteria to be “refined” when conducting the mini-competition; as now, this is likely to mean that the criteria can be developed, but not fundamentally changed. These rules do not apply to minicompetitions for light touch regime contracts, so there will certainly be more flexibility here. If you are interested in learning more about frameworks under the Act do sign up for our next 5 in 25 webinar on this topic (which is on 25 April 2024 at 1000).